I own a wonderful little business called Le Velo Macaron. We specialize in one product, French Macarons, made in dozens of flavors. I believe we make a better macaron than anyone anywhere. I have seen and tasted nothing to make me believe otherwise.
Like all entrepreneurs, I want to expand my business. We are talking to various shops and outlets who may be a good fit for us. We know some will work out and some won't. Them's the breaks!
It's important for a small business owner to make the right connections and to nurture those connections into relationships that will benefit both sides. Like any relationship, a business relationship must be based upon mutual understanding and benefit. It also helps if you don't drive one another crazy.
As important as it is to get the business, there may be a point where it's no longer worth the money you might make. Sometimes the demands are too much Sometimes the time needed to nurture the relationship outweighs the benefit. I am not trying to say money is the only consideration. Your mental health matters, too. If a client is looking to you to solve all their problems, to be their therapist, to save them... walk away.
If you have a client that's something of a control freak, who needs to have their fingers in everyone's business, including yours... walk away. I worked with a prospect recently who fit this description. She trusted none of her staff. It had nothing to do with her staff, who seemed to be great people. This attitude extended to her interactions with us. She asked too many probing questions about recipes and operations. Even offered to make space in her facility for us to work more closely with her. While I have no problem with partnerships, this was feeling more like a shotgun wedding.
So, I walked away. It wasn't easy. The Dead Presidents catcalled me as I left the room, but I knew it was the right thing. It was the right thing for my business, but also for my health. While I do have clients and I work as a Life Coach, I don't coach clients of my other businesses. It creates the kind of conflict I am not interested in.
So make the tough decisions. It's like medicine. It tastes like crap but you'll feel better in the long run.
Adolfo Jimenez is an executive coach, entrepreneur, consultant, book club nerd, and family man living in Hollywood, FL. He is the owner of Le Velo Macaron and other businesses.
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