Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Small Hours

Sleep is important. I will not deny that. I've never been a good sleeper. Even as a baby. My mother still complains that she barely slept at all the first five years of my life. She doesn't say the same thing about my sister. I'm a terrible person to vacation with because I don't sleep in. I'm the guy sounding the bugle at dawn (maybe earlier.) I want to get on with life.

If you need sleep, then sleep. I'm not advocating against it. But if you're like me, and you are blessed with the ability to function on less sleep than most people, you should not waste that gift. Yes, I believe getting by on less sleep is a blessing. I also believe it is a gift, because more time to live your life is a wonderful thing,

I spend that time as best I can, although sometimes I'm a little too foggy to be productive. It's a good time to meditate, walk your dog, get a little extra reading done, or just get a jump on work.

My point is that this extra time is a gift and it should be used. Don't waste it on news or other negativity that'll set a negative tone for the rest of your day. Get the ball rolling in the right direction by using those small hours wisely.

Adolfo Jimenez is an executive coach, entrepreneur, book club nerd, and family man living in Hollywood, FL. He is the owner of Le Velo Macaron

You can find him on Instagram and LinkedIn

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