Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thinking With A Group... Not Groupthink

In "Think and Grow Rich," Napoleon Hill wrote of the importance of creating a Mastermind Group. The names sounds ominous, particularly in today's hypersensitive world, but the idea has merit.

A Mastermind Group is a group of individuals who meet regularly to help each other solve problems. It is a peer-to-peer mentoring concept. Call it what you will. It works.

I have participated in many Mastermind Groups. Often as a facilitator, but that just means I send out the emails and move the conversation along. I benefit from these meetings as much as anyone else in attendance.

I run a weekly book club that often spends half its time on the book we're reading and the other half helping each other with challenges we are facing in our businesses. We didn't plan on the book club becoming a Mastermind Group, it just did.

I've facilitated Masterminds through conference calls. I've broken off into one-on-one sessions from these Masterminds. I have helped others and others have helped me.

The idea is that our collective knowledge can be shared to the benefit of all. None of us is as smart as all of us.

That being said, it's important to not allow your Mastermind group to engage in Groupthink, where everyone is agreeing with everyone. No one person should dominate the conversation. It isn't even about trying to convince people to see things your way. It's opening minds and sharing points of view. It's kinda like leading a horse to water... and then leaving him there. He'll figure it out.

I'm always interested in new perspectives and challenges. If you'd like to join or start a Mastermind group, let me know.

Adolfo Jimenez is an executive coach, entrepreneur, consultant, book club nerd, and family man living in Hollywood, FL. He is the owner of Le Velo Macaron and other businesses.

You can find him on Instagram and LinkedIn

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