You make a contact on LinkedIn or some other platform and the person immediately sends you a pre-written diatribe on how their business can help you. Help me? You don't even know me? Have you asked me what I need? Have you asked me if I even need help?
These individuals are the digital equivalent of the handsy guy who takes a smile from a pretty girl to mean, "yes, by all means, reach up my skirt!"
Let's be honest, if I wanted your help, I would have asked.
This is not to say you shouldn't prospect, you should, I believe it's a great use of your time... if you do it properly. It shouldn't be, "Hi. Nice to meet you. Buy my shit!" and then move on to the next.
Tell me how pretty I am, buy me a drink. Win a stuffed animal for me at the carnival. Find out what my needs and wants are. You'll have a much better chance of scoring.
At the very least, if I don't need what you're offering, I will know what you are offering. I may know someone who does.
NOTE: In the time it took me to write this post, someone on LinkedIn "connected" with me and told me what they wanted to sell me. I replied "No thanks" and he responded "Okay. Have a nice day."
He didn't want to work to earn my business. He wanted me to hand it to him. You can guess how many times that's happened.
Adolfo Jimenez is an executive coach, entrepreneur, book club nerd, and family man living in Hollywood, FL. He is the owner of Le Velo Macaron
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