Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Do Something

Just do something. It won't always be great. That's okay. The important thing is that you do something. You can always go back and edit your work.

It was my birthday last night. Always a painful day for me. Some might say by choice. I went out with my wife and daughters. We ate a lot and drank a little. I have to reverse that. Food kills me in a way that booze doesn't. Don't know why. It just does.

I've been up since three this morning. I read for a while, then I tried to go back to sleep. Nope. I read a little more. Tried to sleep again. Nothing doing.

I finally dragged my fat ass out of bed around 7:30. I feel like I ate a car battery. But here I am, writing this blog. I also wrote a poem about the experience. Why let a gastrointestinal crisis go to waste?

There is something to be gained from every experience. As a writer, I want to write about these experiences. I want to share them. That's what I mean about not letting them go to waste. The story itself may not be great, but there may be some splinter of usefulness in there somewhere. And besides, it keeps the muscles loose.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go vomit.

Adolfo Jimenez is an old fart living in Hollywood, FL. He is an author, poet, blogger, and drinker. He is not a competitive eater. His website is http://www.adolfojimenez.com 

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