Thursday, August 23, 2018

In With the Good!

I wake up around 5:20 every morning whether I like it or not. I've always been an early riser. I can't help it. It's who I am. I do not bound out of bed the moment my eyes open.

This is an older car. It takes a little time to warm up.

Once my eyes are defogged and my mind is clear, I get to work. I usually post a thought for the day on my Instagram and my business Instagram before too long, I don't just post a random thought, I try to make this thought my guiding principle for the day. I look for an opportunity to share the thought, aside from posting it online. I put it into practice. I lead by example.

One of the advantages of starting my day this way is that I immediately point my thoughts in a useful, productive direction. If I started my day reading news, hearing about death and war and other joyless crap, my day would be miserable.

I speak from experience.

My name is Adolfo and I'm a bad-news-oholic. It's been seven years since my last news binge.

Start your day with a positive, constructive thought. Do it every day until it becomes habit.

Let me know how it goes.

Adolfo Jimenez is an executive coach, entrepreneur, book club nerd, and family man living in Hollywood, FL. He is the owner of 
You can find him at

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