Monday, August 19, 2019

A Clean, Well-Lighted (Quiet) Place

You need a place to write. Writing is a job like any other job. What happens if you don't show up for work? You lose your job. You are unemployed. You are pounding the pavement. There may seem to be no consequences for you as a writer if you choose not to write because no one will fire you, but if you don't make time to write, you will not make it as a writer. I know that seems obvious, but sometimes the obvious things are the hardest to see.

Too many people are in love with the idea of being a writer. They want to tell people they are working on a novel or two. They want to be seen in Starbucks, staring off into the distance with their laptop at the ready, standing by to capture their genius. They want to do the writerly things. They just don't actually want to write.

I have a close friend who is an incredibly talented individual, who could own Hollywood (the real Hollywood, not the South Florida shithole where I live) but he doesn't do the things that he would have to do in order to succeed. His reasons are personal and real and I don't bust his balls about it anymore. I used to, but I'm not his agent. I have no place telling him what to do. It's his life, not mine.

The point is that you have to do what you have to do if you want to succeed. Fuck the attention. The thing about being a writer is that attention ruins everything. Don't believe me? Ask Hemingway. Never mind, he's dead. Read The Snows of Kilimanjaro and he'll explain how every day of comfort and betraying who he was contributed to the end of his career as a writer. He was telling the story of a man named Harry, but he was seeing his future.

So find a clean, well lighted place to write. Or find a noisy, dim place to write. Just find a place and do your thing and do it.

Adolfo Jimenez is a writer living against his will in Hollywood, Florida.  His latest release is Scenes from a 1979 Ford Fairmont, a short book of poems. Get it on Amazon!

Check him out here!

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