Thursday, December 21, 2017

Don't Tax Don't Spend

The smoke has cleared and we stand on the rubble of a demolished civilization. Millions have died.
We are in ruins. Mothers roam the streets, starving babies in their arms, begging for a drop of milk or
a crumb from a rich man’s plate.
They are shooed away. Oftentimes, they are shot for sport and their children are fed to the rich man’s dogs. In the ruins, hildren play with rats because they have no toys. Eventually, when the play is no longer an adequate distraction and the hunger is too great, they eat the rats. In one horrific action, they lose their toy… and their innocence as they learn that in this new world, you have to kill in order to stay alive. We live in this horror because you got a tax cut. I hope you’re happy. Bastard.

Yesterday, the US senate passed the $1.5 trillion tax cut bill. Several companies like Boeing, Wells Fargo, and AT&T among others reacted by giving their employees bonuses and raising their minimum wage to $15. That’ll kill a baby like nobody’s business.

The right is jumping up and down. The left is crying over this latest end of the world. Libertarians are shaking their heads wondering when the duocracy will address the real issue: spending. Nothing matters if we don’t cut spending. We run deficits every year. We have more debt than we’ll ever be able to pay. Giving us back some of our money doesn’t hurt anyone except the beast that feeds on our money. This beast is known as congress. They take our money to fund pork barrel projects in their districts and they act as if they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. They point to these projects every 2 or 6 years and say, “Look what I did for you. Send me back to Washington!”

The tax cuts are a good thing. Spending cuts would be an even better thing. Cutting short the careers of these tax-and-spend demagogues would be the most effective way to tame the deficit and keep taxes low, but they wouldn’t vote to get off the gravy train. They know the debt doesn’t matter because it’ll be here long after they’re all dead. They know the only thing that matters is reelection. The only thing that matters is that you keep writing that check so they can keep spending it like the reckless fools they’ve proven themselves to be. Tax cuts threaten their existence and so they fight. The question is whether you’ll fight back.

Here’s how you fight back:

  • Write your member of congress and tell them to cut spending and then go get a real job.
  • Vote against the incumbent - whoever the incumbent happens to be.
  • Run as a libertarian and disrupt the entire system.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent the way you called out the real issue, SPENDING. Don't be distracted by the noise
